
Productivity analysis process analysis process improvement productivity Feb 14, 2024

(1179 words/5 minute read)

Productivity is about the little things

One of my favorite topics is productivity. And I love talking about it because it’s about getting things done. Literally getting IT done. But when I start to talk about being productive, I often focus first on the little...

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The Power of Collaboration: Unlocking Business Value through Effective Project Team Dynamics collaboration leadership teams Jan 11, 2024

(981 words/4 minute read)


The Value of Collaboration

In the constantly evolving environments our change agents face, one of the things that technology has helped us with the most is our ability to collaborate. But collaboration is not the end all answer. It is a means; a way; even a...

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Hybrid Environments – Not Just a Technology Trend collaboration communication facilitation hybrid technology Dec 12, 2023

(1447 words/6 minute read)


But a collaboration command!


First we were in-person.  Then things shifted and we all had to learn how to unmute ourselves and chat for business purposes in our online and remote environments.  And now we have hybrid that spans the spectrum of a...

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The Business Value of AI artificial intelligence technology Nov 14, 2023

(802 words/ 3.5 minute read)


Avoid the distraction of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Everywhere you turn, there is another artificial intelligence tool out there that promises to save you time, money, and even resources.  Rather than be distracted by “shiny object syndrome”,...

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The Strategic Value of Industry Standard Certifications certifications Oct 18, 2023
(1096 words/5 minute read)


In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, staying ahead of the curve is crucial for working professionals. One effective way to demonstrate expertise, commitment, and relevance in your field is by obtaining certifications through industry-standard governing...

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