Collaboration Corner



We value the collaborative partnership with HEMIC!

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Join Jamie live!

Agile Project Management Essentials

September 10 & 12, 2024

Budgets change, schedules are up-ended, and resources are in flux. This course provides a structured methodology to enable you to welcome change and feedback into your project cycle and to adapt your approach and mindset to ensure the delivery of customer value.

Register now!

Collaboration Chats: Certifications 

September 11, 2024

Join Jamie in these “office hours” sessions to continue exploring business analysis topics, today’s relevant issues, and ask questions about what’s happening in the world of business analysis, anything from a recent course or training, or just have some fun exploring the different sides to analysis and project-based work!

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Smart Data-Driven Decision-Making

Honolulu, HI
September 19, 2024

Every day we make multiple decisions in our work. Are the decisions well-informed, thought-through, and data-driven, or are they reactive, gut decisions? Learn how to craft a story of what business success looks like and how to structure your recommendations based on data so that decision-makers can make smart, well-informed decisions.

Register now!